...the desires of your heart
Sunday mornings...
what does your character say?
One of those days...
Remembering Summer...
Go now...
Auntie Catherine
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
The truth is that through this whole process I've been reminded of what an honour & privilege it is to invited to partner with parents as they raise incredible kids who love God. With my nieces it's only natural that the family come alongside to encourage & help support throughout the parenting process, which is turning out to be one of the greatest honours I've ever had. I'm realizing though, how amazing it is to essentially be invited into families, as another member, as I come alongside to support & encourage.
To the families that I've been invited into, thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity. I'm realizing more & more just how much of an incredible privilege this is. I wouldn't trade my job or role as Auntie Catherine for anything in the world!
Lessons learned from camping chairs
Mother's Day Prayer
Jesus Feeds 5000
Easter doesn't end on Monday.
25 things...
Wall of Fame
To the amazing women in my life:
What's of Value?
In turn, we're becoming an society full of people with extremely low self esteem. Perhaps it's time to place value on that which is of true value, the truth.
When the going gets tough...
Is it possible that maybe we have the quote all wrong? Maybe it should be said, "when the going gets tough, the tough tough it out." Because really, does it not take more strength to stay and press through whatever situation you're faced with, rather then to turn and walk (or in some cases run) away?
So, the challenge comes, will I be part of a complacent generation & society, who rather then facing trails & tribulations in the face decide to leave? Or, will I take a stand, stay where I am and do something to bring about change?
Maybe it's time to redefine "tough"
Recently I came across the following:
Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
And so, as I face a yet another year, I have great faith in His faithfulness. I know without a doubt that this year will be full of new challenges and struggles, but I also know that it will be full of new blessings, grace, strength, peace & love.
About a month ago I was part of a conversation with a woman who commented on how her "children know the 10 Commandments; they know what's right and wrong." Although, at the time I was quite impressed (I know the 10 Commandments, I'm not sure I could quote them verbatim and, I'm also 24, not 8!), I can't help but think perhaps something is missing.
While it's good for us to be aware of what is right and wrong, there must be a reason as to why Jesus seems to care about loving God & loving others more then we care about rules & laws.
The problem I think is that really loving people can get messy. At times its as though you're put in positions of having to choose sides. Or, perhaps when you choose "loving" over "judging" you become the one being judged for "condoning" or "enabling".
The truth is, it's much easier to stick to the 10 Commandments. They're straight forward. The law is black & white, as opposed to unconditional love, which I believe is gray, as it cares not about whether what you're doing is classified as "black" or "white".
If Jesus could love in spite of the rules being broken, somehow I must be able to as well. Unfortunately, more value is often placed on the rules then on people, which is where Jesus shows us an opposite way of doing life. People are important, and who they are is not tied up in what they do.
Although I believe living right is important, I'm fairly confident that loving God & loving people has even greater importance. As a result 2 greatest commandments that have been written in red, will be the 2 commandments that I focus on keeping.