The thing with "those days" is that you can make yourself comfortable & get stuck there, or you can keep plugging away, knowing that one day it'll get better. I've found that my life motto of "fake it 'til you make it" has never seemed to be more true then it is now.
If there's one thing I hope to be able to say with conviction & truth when the dust settles it's, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Tim.4:7)
I've been challenged more then ever to keep my heart right. To continually make sure that I'm forgiving others, seeking forgiveness & doing all that I can to allow myself to be changed to be like my sweet Jesus.
I'm confident that one day I'll look back & be able to say that this was a season that really built godly character into me, that it was a massive defining moment in my life, but at the moment it seems life is a bit painful, confusing, frustrating, yet exciting & definitely full of tears (ha! Who am I kidding, nearly every season I find myself in is full of tears ;) ). Realizing that there are bound to be many more months in my lifetime similar to the past few, I know without a doubt that basically my only option as I navigate what's to come is to just keep on keeping on.