
Lesson #1

I'm currently finding myself in the midst of a crazy transition. Life as I knew it is not what I'm currently experiencing; what I'm currently experiencing is not the life I will soon be living. In the midst of this transition I've been quite reflective of the past few years of my life & have realized that I've learned some valuable life lessons along the way.

Lesson #1:
Remember, life is full of seasons & this too shall pass.

With the turning of the leaves & cooling temperatures, I can't help but find this particular valuable life lesson that much more relevant.

Life brings all sorts of twists & turns with it, some expected & some very unexpected. For some reason it never ceases to amaze me that when I keep my current situations in perspective I tend to learn & grow more. Through some of the difficult moments I've found myself in, it's been incredibly comforting to keep in mind the cliche "hindsight is 20/20." In retrospect it feels as if each season has been full of its own defining moments & I've discovered more about myself & who I've been created to be as I've had to navigate through each circumstance.

From everything like planning a wedding, to building a house, from walking through a church split, to making a career shift, my husband & I have experienced a variety of different seasons & emotions to go along with them. Nearly every season seems to last forever when stuck in the middle of it. Tears have been shed, multiple prayers uttered, sleepless nights too numerous to count have passed & yet, there has been peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding has been mine through every situation I've found myself in.

Some may say this comes from some deep, inner peace. Perhaps. Although I give the credit of this peace to the fact that I know the One who creates the seasons & changes them. The deep truth is that instead of worrying, there's one thing to do - pray; tell God what you need, & thank Him for all He has done. As a result of this action, peace that is so big to guard our hearts & minds comes.

In the midst of the current chaos I'm in, I'm finding peace once again.  Normally at times like this I'd be totally stressed & freaking out. It's no small miracle that I'm currently feeling just fine with the uncertainty & chaos. There's no doubt in my mind that this stems from peace that surpasses all understanding; unexplainable peace that comes from presenting all my requests to the only one who knows all.

Thankfully seasons have a beginning & an end. Six weeks into this season, I have to admit I'm looking forward to the end. In the meantime, I'm surviving because of peace that is far bigger then the current chaos & in knowing that one day I'll look back on this & recognize defining moments.


90 birthday candles

My amazing maternal grandmother turned 90 today. My mom's sisters decided to throw her a come & go tea, aka birthday party, this past weekend. Those of us who are blessed enough to be in the same family as her know her resilience & love first hand, as a result it was no surprise to see the many guests attend her party & honour her on this admirable milestone.

If you've ever met my grandma, you know what a shock it is to think that she's 90 years old; not only is she in remarkable physical condition, she has maintained a sharp mind & quick wit. I'm thankful for the influence she's had in my life over the years & for the incredible genetics that she's passed onto her daughters & grandchildren.

My grandma is someone I respect more then I can clearly articulate. She's been a constant source of support as I've travelled the a couple of contents, started a career, gotten married & experienced all sorts of twists & turns. She's someone who displaces unconditional love unlike anyone I've ever met.

In honour of my incredible grandma I wrote the following to share at her party:

Grandma, for 26 of your 90 years I've had the honour & privilege of being your granddaughter; this has brought great responsibility to my life. A responsibility to be a loving, supportive wife. A responsibility to keep my heart & arms open towards my family, as I display unconditional love. A responsibility to be a kind & faithful friend. A responsibility to care for the physical, emotional & spiritual needs if those who enter my home. And finally a responsibility to care for myself, as being in your shape at 90 is something I aspire to. Thank you for being the ultimate role model, it's my great delight to build upon your legacy. I love you.

Among the many blessings in my life that I'm thankful for, my grandma is certainly one of them. It was such a privilege to be able to celebrate this milestone with her. I'm forever grateful to be her granddaughter.