I'm back at work after one week at Summer Fun Camp with ROL. It was quite the week with around 140 kids, and about 50 staff we definitely had our work cut out for us when the week began Monday morning, complete with a few bumps along the way (is anyone REALLY surprised?).
Many of the kids at the camp were from Kidz Alive which was an incredible opportunity for our staff to show Jesus as many of these children don't know Jesus or attend church.
But along with 180+ people comes drama...especially when you throw kids into the mix. But God once again proved Himself incredibly, over and above, faithful when two women felt they needed to be praying for us.
That morning God's presence was so incredibly huge in "Wild Bible Adventures" as children went around the circle and one by one shared a moment when they felt God had been with them. Imagine that...children (some of which who don't have a relationship with God) identifying a moment in their life when they had felt God with them...and to top it off all the other children remained silent while they listened to their peers share their stories.
Little God moments like this continued to appear throughout the next few days. On the final morning a little boy who is highly ADD and ADHD, who's on regular medication came up to me and asked me to smell this hand. As I sniffed it (it smelt of frankincense and myrrh) he told me that the smell reminded him of Jesus. He then proceed to show me a rock he had which reminded him of God, because a couple days earlier he had used it to help build a monument to God.
Basically God is good,
and big,
way bigger then what I could ever think, ask or imagine,
He continually blows my mind as He works in and through people,
especially children.
Yes indeed...

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