
breathe in, breathe out

I started taking a pilates class at Lethbridge College with a couple of friends this past Thursday. Our class came at the perfect time as last week was a bit overwhelming and the 45 minutes spent in the class served as the perfect mental break. I was taken back by the emphasis put on breathing in our first class. Our instructor reminded us throughout the class to take deep breaths in through our nose and let them out through our mouths.

Since that class my life has seemed to have gotten even more overwhelming. From the encouragement and support of my family and friends, to the situations those close to me find themselves in, it seems as if its been one overwhelming blow after the other.

Today while working on my computer I received a message from an individual who's quite close to me asking for prayer as he finds himself needing rest and peace. As the tears began to well up in my eyes I was taken back to my pilates class.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.

I know that I cannot change situations, and although I can pray my little heart out, ultimately God is the one who controls everything. And so, as I continue to pray (for even though I know I have no control, I know the one who does), the only other thing I can do is breathe. By just breathing I allow God to be who He is, and I will be who He has created me to be.

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