A couple weekends ago I was in Regina with some family to say our "final good-bye's" to my grandma, as her ashes were placed in the ground.
In the past, our family hasn't been the closest. Different positions and opinions has caused division, and unfortunately as a result family get togethers have been few and far between, laced with bitterness and resentment.
In our grief and mourning however, the family has been reunited. Stories have been shared and feelings put out on the table. Regrets of the past have been shared, and as a result a wanting to change has come about.
And so, as we've all had to end one chapter in our lives, we starting a new one, with a fresh outlook and a renewed value for family.
Although relationships don't grow overnight, they're starting to blossom. Healing is taking place, and forgiveness is being offered.
Grandma would love it, and wouldn't want it any other way.
a new tradition
Father's Day is just around the corner. This time last year my husband and I were stressing (as we do with most special events and holidays) as we had to plan and ultimately choose which family we'd celebrate with. I know it's completely possible to celebrate one the day before/after, but it seems someone's feeling always end up being hurt. For my husband and I holidays have tended to be a time of dread as we feel like we're on egg shells in attempt to keep both sides happy.
The worst part is both of our families are in the same city...it's not as though we have the option of actually leaving to visit the other in attempts to keep everything "fair."
And so, as I'm sure it is with many couples, weekends that should be filled with laughter and memories, have also included a bit of bitterness and resentment...until Mother's Day '09.
We had decided to join my family for Mother's Day this year since my grandma from Regina, SK was going to be around. Once again we were preparing to drop the news to the other side of the family, when something life changing (perhaps even a miracle) happened.
In one quick phonecall two families merged for an incredible afternoon. And in that a new tradition was born.
And so this Father's Day rather then facing Sunday with dread, it's a day we're ALL looking forward to, as once again the two families will join to celebrate together.
No more choosing side for my husband and I, because really, we're all on the same side...are we not?
I often comment on how lucky I am to have such incredible inlaws that I get along with so well. I now get to comment on how lucky I am to have such incredible parents (on both sides!) because holidays and special events are now all inclusive, rather then exclusive.
I so look forward to what Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter etc. will bring as we unite rather then divide.
To all my juggling, struggling-to-balance-the-families friends out there...if it's possible, just make it happen! Why not invite everyone over to your place? If the expense of hosting the family is burden make your celebration potluck style.
Start a new tradition and create new memories!
The worst part is both of our families are in the same city...it's not as though we have the option of actually leaving to visit the other in attempts to keep everything "fair."
And so, as I'm sure it is with many couples, weekends that should be filled with laughter and memories, have also included a bit of bitterness and resentment...until Mother's Day '09.
We had decided to join my family for Mother's Day this year since my grandma from Regina, SK was going to be around. Once again we were preparing to drop the news to the other side of the family, when something life changing (perhaps even a miracle) happened.
In one quick phonecall two families merged for an incredible afternoon. And in that a new tradition was born.
And so this Father's Day rather then facing Sunday with dread, it's a day we're ALL looking forward to, as once again the two families will join to celebrate together.
No more choosing side for my husband and I, because really, we're all on the same side...are we not?

I so look forward to what Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter etc. will bring as we unite rather then divide.
To all my juggling, struggling-to-balance-the-families friends out there...if it's possible, just make it happen! Why not invite everyone over to your place? If the expense of hosting the family is burden make your celebration potluck style.
Start a new tradition and create new memories!
This past Sunday, my friends dedicated their little man at church. When these type of things happen I tend to get a bit teary. Truth be known I'm generally a fairly emotional person, but more then that, it moves me to see parents making a commitment to God as they raise their children to be the amazing men and women they've been created to be. What an incredible responsibility and honour for parents!!!
Following the dedication of my friends little guy things only got more emotional...for me.
The time came in the service for the children to be dismissed, and so I took the microphone and began to pray for them...and during my prayer became overwhelmed by emotion...
You see, just as my friends dedicated their son (and themselves!), every mum and dad in that place did that same thing on Sunday morning. Although there wasn't the certificate, and blessing to go along with it, they had made the same commitment just by being there.
And this thought overwhelmed me!
And it continues to overwhelm me!
I think it's easy to go through with the "ceremony" of dedication. It's easy to stand up on stage, to answer yes, and to have your precious little one prayed over and blessed. It's hard when you've been running around crazy all weekend, and yet still get up early on Sunday morning to be at church. It's hard when the world screams for your attention, and yet you choose to raise your children to love and know their creator.
That's what it really means to have your child dedicated - it's more then a church service with your baby, it's more then a certificate. It's doing the hard stuff and doing it the best you can.
That's where my passion comes in,
that's where the tears come from.
And so I once again dedicated myself on Sunday, to being a support to the parents who have dedicated themselves and their children.
Following the dedication of my friends little guy things only got more emotional...for me.
The time came in the service for the children to be dismissed, and so I took the microphone and began to pray for them...and during my prayer became overwhelmed by emotion...
You see, just as my friends dedicated their son (and themselves!), every mum and dad in that place did that same thing on Sunday morning. Although there wasn't the certificate, and blessing to go along with it, they had made the same commitment just by being there.
And this thought overwhelmed me!
And it continues to overwhelm me!
I think it's easy to go through with the "ceremony" of dedication. It's easy to stand up on stage, to answer yes, and to have your precious little one prayed over and blessed. It's hard when you've been running around crazy all weekend, and yet still get up early on Sunday morning to be at church. It's hard when the world screams for your attention, and yet you choose to raise your children to love and know their creator.
That's what it really means to have your child dedicated - it's more then a church service with your baby, it's more then a certificate. It's doing the hard stuff and doing it the best you can.
That's where my passion comes in,
that's where the tears come from.
And so I once again dedicated myself on Sunday, to being a support to the parents who have dedicated themselves and their children.
thoughts...possibly lessons from God.,
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