This past Sunday, my friends dedicated their little man at church. When these type of things happen I tend to get a bit teary. Truth be known I'm generally a fairly emotional person, but more then that, it moves me to see parents making a commitment to God as they raise their children to be the amazing men and women they've been created to be. What an incredible responsibility and honour for parents!!!
Following the dedication of my friends little guy things only got more emotional...for me.
The time came in the service for the children to be dismissed, and so I took the microphone and began to pray for them...and during my prayer became overwhelmed by emotion...
You see, just as my friends dedicated their son (and themselves!), every mum and dad in that place did that same thing on Sunday morning. Although there wasn't the certificate, and blessing to go along with it, they had made the same commitment just by being there.
And this thought overwhelmed me!
And it continues to overwhelm me!
I think it's easy to go through with the "ceremony" of dedication. It's easy to stand up on stage, to answer yes, and to have your precious little one prayed over and blessed. It's hard when you've been running around crazy all weekend, and yet still get up early on Sunday morning to be at church. It's hard when the world screams for your attention, and yet you choose to raise your children to love and know their creator.
That's what it really means to have your child dedicated - it's more then a church service with your baby, it's more then a certificate. It's doing the hard stuff and doing it the best you can.
That's where my passion comes in,
that's where the tears come from.
And so I once again dedicated myself on Sunday, to being a support to the parents who have dedicated themselves and their children.
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