After MANY hours of preparation and a weekend of full on ministry plus little sleep, I found myself completely exhausted on Monday. Monday evening was spent with my connect group, which was refreshing as always, but ended up being even more amazing then usual...
Our connect group is busy planning and scheming for taking over the Sunday morning service on July 12th (if you're going to be in Lethbridge you should come check it out!). Unfortunately one of the couples in our community will be away on holidays that week, yet was still at our meeting on Monday...for a God appointed reason I'm convinced! Following our meeting of planning this one individual felt she needed to pray for me...and she totally "read my mail."
Have you ever had a moment when you're feeling totally overwhelmed and completely underpowered, and then out of NO WHERE comes something resembling a love letter from your Creator?

That is exactly what I experienced Monday night. Words cannot express how incredible it was to receive exactly what I needed in that moment.
There were many things that happened over the weekend that have remained unheard by many, and yet this one woman seemed to speak into every situation I had faced over the three days prior.
I LOVE how God knows everything we need. Whether its a word of encouragement or confirmation, a hug, a smile, a rest...and somehow He always provides in unsuspecting ways.
Whatever situation you find yourself in...receive the love letters God is sending to you.
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