Have you ever seen those mugs, or journals that have inspirational quotes on them at Chapters? Today one quote from the cover of a journal has come crashing to mind, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." -Thoreau.
The truth is the life I'm living is more then I ever imagined it would be in terms of what I dreamed as a little girl & even what I had hoped for in high school. I married my best friend just over four years ago. Our relationship has been full of beautiful, romantic moments that make up fairy tales. We built our first home & moved in just over three years ago & it has quickly become more then just a dwelling place for us, it's our safe place where we're establishing ourselves as a family. Both my hubs & I started our careers fairly young & despite many opposing situations have managed to be successful by the worlds standards & by our own personal standards as well.
The thing about the above quote is that I think "life" encompasses more then just what you DO & HAVE. I think it really boils down to do who you ARE. What character traits define you? What are you passionate about? What do you love?
With my 26th birthday still fresh in my memory, I can't help but challenge myself to "Live the life I've imagined," as I realize there are only a few precious more years left in my twenties. I've come to understand that what I DO & HAVE is ultimately trivial at the end of the day. It's my character that creates this "life I've imagined."
And so bearing all this in mind, I'm bravely facing the next four years with a smile on my face. I'm looking forward to new adventures & challenges as I stretch myself to live this life to it's fullest. The future is no doubt bright & so I'm putting on my sunnies; I don't want to miss one second because I've been squinting!