
January thoughts

For someone who claims to love writing & one day dreams of writing a book, you'd never know it from taking a look at this blog...YIKES!

On the other hand, if you check out dgcchurch.ca and "click" on the "Blog" link along the top menu bar, you'd see otherwise...

Hard to believe that January 2012, is more then half over! Where on earth has the time gone? Seems like I was just preparing for Christmas. New Years came & went basically without me even noticing & now the second & shortest month of the year is nearly here. It boggles my mind to think of how fast time seems to fly by.

This past fall was certainly one of being stretched, challenged & learning to adapt. To say it was a difficult autumn would be a bit of an understatement. It was long & it was tough to get through. There were various moments of wanting to just up & move, to start over some place completely new. The good news is that I persevered, survived & perhaps in some brief moments even thrived. I believe I learned much. I had to work on my heart, which is always good for me & my character.

I think the older I get, the greater appreciation I receive for time. In the culture I live in, we don't like to wait. We want what we want, & we want it right now. No waiting, no lines, instant service please. Over the past few weeks I've really be challenged to re-evalute the value of waiting, being patient & even hopeful. I believe a certain level of contentment comes with being willing to wait. Such a beautiful thing when you exude peace because you're content & full of hope; certainly the opposite to an anxious, rushing society we live in.

All this being said, we're now well into the Winter Season. Things seem to be going rather smoothly & life is looking pretty good, however, I know that life is full of seasons. Perhaps what I'm experiencing at the moment is the "calm before the storm," who's to say what will come next?

In moments like this I'm consciously I'm choosing to be content. I'm choosing patience, hope & peace.