
...the desires of your heart

It seems to be fairly common for people to tell me, "you will have the desires of your heart" (Ps37:4). Mostly recently on Monday evening someone yet again spoke these words to me, which reminded someone else of a time when they did as well.

As I've been pondering & thinking about these eight little words that are so often thrown around, I'm realizing that at the moment I couldn't even tell you exactly what "the desires of my heart" are. I've had plenty of dreams, things I've wanted to accomplish. From getting married, to being a children's pastor, owning a home...the list goes on, however these are all things that have already been "checked" off the list.

At the moment, it feels as though I'm in the place of having to dream new dreams. What are those "desires of my heart"? It also feels as though it's the start of a new season in my life, & with this new season it would only seem natural for there to be some new dreams as well. Yet, it feels as though there aren't any at the moment.

The fabulous news, is that those eight little words are preceded by five profound words, "Take delight in the Lord." The truth is, that the desires don't come until I do something. This happens to be the best thing for me at the moment. I may not have a clear idea as to what my dreams & desires are right now, but I do know about delighting in the Lord. I also happen to firmly believe that not only is He the one who gives us the desires of our hearts, but He also plants those desires in our hearts in the first place.



This past weekend Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving, a time set aside every year to thank God for everything we have.
Yesterday a beloved friend sent me a list of 365 things she's thankful for in 2011, which got me thinking. The following list isn't quite 365, not nearly 365 in fact, but here's a few things I was reminded to be thankful for over the course of this past weekend...

I spent Friday afternoon & evening with my lovely sister-in-law, her husband & their beautiful twin girls. I'm thankful to have the kind of relationship with my sister-in-law that I'm able to be apart of their lives on a regular basis. I love that I get to spend time with my lovely nieces & watch as each week they grow up just a little bit more.

Saturday I got to spend basically the whole day with my husband. I'm thankful for someone who's strong, caring, generous, kind, honest, gracious, supportive, understanding, patient, loving, encouraging, wise, smart, sexy...the list goes on. Not only is this man my life partner, he's also my best friend. He's the only one who knows absolutely everything about me & yet still loves me.

Sunday morning in church I was reminded to be thankful that I live in a country where there is freedom to worship my God.
Sunday we celebrated Thanksgiving with both our families. I'm thankful for my roots. My parents are incredible people who have been amazing parents. They've taught me about life & have instilled great values into me. My in-laws are such amazing people who love ms as their own daughter. They have done a fine job in raising my husband to be the man he is today. I couldn't be more thankful for these two families who have shaped my husband & I. We are a direct result of their love, persistence & God's grace. Our meal was delicious & filling. I'm thankful for the abundance of nourishment available to me.

The majority of Monday was spent in my home, which is located in a fabulous little cul-de-sac with fantastic neighbours. I'm happy for the shelter I'm lucky enough to dwell in. It's comfy, it's warm & it's safe. My neighbourhood if full of amazing friendly people, all of whom I know are looking out for us & we for them.

Truly this is just scrapping the surface. There is so much that I'm thankful for & although this list isn't 365 things long, I know without a doubt it could be...

Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.


Sunday mornings...

have been one of the times I look forward to the most in my week for nearly as long as I can remember.

However, working at a church has greatly affected the way I look at church...hopefully for the better.

I've come to realize that my time spent in a service on a Sunday morning really isn't about me. In fact, anyone who attends church on Sunday & only thinks about themselves is really missing the point.

It's not about if worship was too long/short/loud/quiet, if the offering message inspired/offended me, if the message was too long/short/irrelevant/spiritual, if the coffee was too strong/weak...etc.

Church is not about you, or me for that matter.

I will never forget as a young girl overhearing a conversation where someone said something like, "when you go to church you should be asking God how you can bless someone else, not how you can get blessed." There is so much truth in that statement! Because church isn't about an individual, church is really all about Jesus.

The greatest commandment is to love God & the second is to love others (Matt 22:38-39). There is nothing in there about I, or me...it's all about Him & everyone else.

How many times do people totally miss the point (even leaders!), when suddenly our own agenda, how WE want the 1.5 hours on a Sunday morning to look overrides anything else.

Truth be told, "the person who has the power to give a blessing is greater than the one who is blessed." (Heb 7:7)

When you attend church with an attitude of what you're going to GIVE rather then what you're going to GET, I guarantee what you'll receive in the end is far better then a Sunday service meeting your checklist.


what does your character say?

I've been thinking about character quite a bit lately. We all know that actions speak louder then words. What you do & who you are has more weight then what you say. It's hard to listen intently to what someone is saying when you've come to know & experience the opposite through their actions.

As a result I've been hugely challenged to make the way I act matches up with the words I speak. Although I'm not perfect, I certainly want to be someone who lives & speaks with integrity.

I want my life to be one where the things I SAY I value are actually the things I SHOW value towards. I want my life to be one where people aren't left confused & second guessing what I actually mean.

I want my life to be one where unconditional love prevails over judgement. This means that when I notice someone who's actions don't line up with their words rather then dismissing, slandering, or judging I choose to give them the benefit of the doubt & love them regardless...


One of those days...

You know when you ask someone, "how's your day going?" and they reply, "oh, it's one of those days."? It seems as though the past few months have been full of "those days." I'm not kidding! Although it hasn't all been BAD, it hasn't necessarily all been GOOD either.

The thing with "those days" is that you can make yourself comfortable & get stuck there, or you can keep plugging away, knowing that one day it'll get better. I've found that my life motto of "fake it 'til you make it" has never seemed to be more true then it is now.

If there's one thing I hope to be able to say with conviction & truth when the dust settles it's, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Tim.4:7)
I've been challenged more then ever to keep my heart right. To continually make sure that I'm forgiving others, seeking forgiveness & doing all that I can to allow myself to be changed to be like my sweet Jesus.

I'm confident that one day I'll look back & be able to say that this was a season that really built godly character into me, that it was a massive defining moment in my life, but at the moment it seems life is a bit painful, confusing, frustrating, yet exciting & definitely full of tears (ha! Who am I kidding, nearly every season I find myself in is full of tears ;) ). Realizing that there are bound to be many more months in my lifetime similar to the past few, I know without a doubt that basically my only option as I navigate what's to come is to just keep on keeping on.


Remembering Summer...

The past few months of summer, have seemed to have been a whirlwind of emotions & memories.

From weddings, to funerals, auntie time, auntie withdrawals, family reunions, reunions with good friends, road trips, camping trips, packing for holidays, packing to move & everything in between its hard to believe the warmest season (not to mention my favourite!) is coming to an end.

Although with great sadness I say good-bye to long days, warm sunshine, short work days, weekends spent in my second home, BBQ suppers, iced coffees, raspberry lemon loaf, pedicured feet, sandals, skirts, tank tops & my fabulous tan lines I can't help but look forward to the new season just around the corner.

Having drank my first Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning I can confidently say I'm ready to welcome fall. Boots, pashminas, evenings spent in front of the fireplace with a book, the changing leaves & perhaps a new hair colour are all just around the corner.

As the seasons change a favourite verse from Daniel comes to mind:
He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. (2:21)

Knowing that He is the one who brings change, I'm ready for what's to come. I feel as though I thrive during change. I'm not a huge fan of the familiar as I feel that I get stuck in a rut & don't seem to reach my full potential. I enjoy challenges & being stretched, which is what I confidently feel autumn has in store. Knowing that in 9 months summer will be here again, with an open heart I'm ready to face autumn.


Go now...

I've always loved the story of Jesus with the woman caught in adultery. So often I seem to hear these words rolling around in my head:

"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." (John 8:7)

Those times when judgemental thoughts begin to creep up, these red letters seem to ring out as I'm reminded that I too am a sinner & no sin is worse then the other.

The other day as I was pondering this story, something stuck out to me that I don't think I've ever noticed, or paid much attention to before, the final words of Jesus to this woman are:

"Go now and leave your life of sin." (John 8:11)

So often I seem to get caught up in the grace, (which by the way is a FABULOUS thing!) that I forget the last & perhaps most powerful words of all.

Yes, we are forgiven, not condemned, shown undeserved grace, HOWEVER, we're then challenged to change our ways. We're all so quick to receive grace, but would rather just stay in that place then to actually take responsibility for our actions & leave those sinful ways.

This story ends up having two equally important challenges to it's readers:
1. It's not your job or responsibility to judge sin. Rather, show grace as Jesus did.
2. After you've received this incredible gift, do something about it & change.



This past weekend I received a text message from an excited grandma, telling me that a grandson had asked Jesus into his heart the previous night with his mom. The part of the message that followed totally floored & humbled me, "Thanks for teaching him about Jesus."

Last night my husband & I were talking about this & both came to a unanimous agreement, it is far better for a child to make that amazing decision in the presence of their parents, rather then in our presence. Not that I don't love being able to watch children's faces as they begin a personal relationship Jesus, but there's something so special about this happening in the home...not the mention the fact that I believe that's the way God designed it.

"Write these commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and get them inside your children. Talks about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminders; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates: Deuteronomy 6:6-9

It is such a great honour & privilege to partner with parents & grandparents as they raise children who know & love God. And that's really what my job is all about, being a partner. As a children's pastor, my job isn't to be the main spiritual teacher in children's lives, that job has been plainly given to parents, but I'm so happy to be apart of the process; to start conversations, plant seeds, prompt questions.

At the end of the day, it's all about partnership.


Auntie Catherine

My husband's older sister gave birth to two beautiful baby girls on Friday, May 20 at 3:32pm & 3:38pm. They are the two newest, most beautiful additions to our family & although I have yet to meet these little bundles, I'm absolutely in love!

In fact, I've been in love from the moment the exciting news was shared that my sister-in-law was expecting. My love grew after the ultrasound, when it was announced that there were in fact two little babes growing inside. My love nearly overwhelmed me when I saw pictures from the ultrasound & was told that these two, were in fact fraternal twins & both little princesses. Every little girlie/petite/adorable outfit, fabulous accessory, cuddly stuffed animal that I've seen (& in quite a few cases purchased), my love for these little cuties has grown even more.

Working with children & families full time has allowed me to share in the excitement of many children who have entered the world. Although there are many babies who have been born that are so very dear to my heart, no one could have ever prepared me for the excitement, anticipation, and love that I have for my two nieces.

Knowing that these two little princesses will be a large part of our lives, that these little babes will one day be cousins/playmates etc. with my future children, that these adorable little ones will begin to shape what family get togethers/long weekends/Friday afternoons etc. look like makes my heart bubble over.

The words of Psalm 139 have been rolling around in my head, as I've had moments of remembering my parents speaking them over me throughout my life:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

The truth is that through this whole process I've been reminded of what an honour & privilege it is to invited to partner with parents as they raise incredible kids who love God. With my nieces it's only natural that the family come alongside to encourage & help support throughout the parenting process, which is turning out to be one of the greatest honours I've ever had. I'm realizing though, how amazing it is to essentially be invited into families, as another member, as I come alongside to support & encourage.

To the families that I've been invited into, thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity. I'm realizing more & more just how much of an incredible privilege this is. I wouldn't trade my job or role as Auntie Catherine for anything in the world!



I just finished reading Church+Home by Mark Holmen. He presents some excellent & challenging thoughts on Faith@Home, whichwould make sense seeing how he's the founder of the Faith@Home movement. This is his third book I've read, & all though they all seem to portray the same basic information, I'm still a huge fan.

One of the ideas that Mark presents is "meddling grandparents." He challenges & encourages grandparents to get involved in their children & grandchildren's faith walk, whether through writing letters/texts/email, making phone calls, & prayer. I love this...probably mostly because I have my own story of how my life has been effected by "meddling."

My great grandma Belsher was an incredible woman of faith. Although we did meet before she passed away, I can't say that I remember as I was still very young. Her legacy, however, lives on, not only in my life but in the lives of nearly all of my Belsher relatives. Great grandma prayed for each one of us every single day. I realize that many grandparents do this, but something to keep in mind is that she had 16 children who lives to adulthood! Praying for everyone in her family was no small feat. Once every three years the Belsher family gathers for a family reunion & it is tradition that on the Sunday of our reunion we have a church service. This was of course birthed & continues all because of great grandma.

I think the greatest way my great grandma has included my faith walk however, is a bit more specific to me. I was a bit of a "miracle baby" as I wasn't my parents first pregnancy. When my great grandma came to visit me as an infant she took me in her arms and said, "All children are a blessing from God, but this is a blessed child." Although I don't remember these words of life being spoken over me, my parents do. I'm fairly confident that now 20-something years later that those words have in fact made a huge impact in my life.

So, to all parents/grandparents/great grandparents out there, who are thinking it's too little too late to have any sort of impact on your children/grandchildren/great grandchildren's faith walk, I would like to encourage you to meddle. Send little notes of encouragement. Make regular phone calls. But most of all pray. You never know what seeds you've planted!


Lessons learned from camping chairs

Camping season is here! This weekend will mark the first voyage of 2011, & I can hardly wait. After a years of sitting in those crazy, slouchy chairs that you pull out of bags & purchase for $10 at Canadian Tire, my husband & I have made the switch to seating which is a bit more expensive, supportive & comfortable. Between our new "directors chairs" & zero-gravity chairs we are not only set, but our backs are already thanking us!

I've determined that I will without a doubt be one of those crazy ladies, who will make it known when you've taken her seat. Should you be one of the many people who joins us in our camping excursions this summer, be warned, if you find yourselves in one of my chairs you will likely be evicted.

I wonder if there's a lesson to be learned in the possessiveness people (I) tend to have?

Although my camping chairs are only chairs, they're MINE, giving me the authority to decide who will or will not be able to sit in them. The outrageous thing about these chairs is that one was a gift given to me & the other a personal purchase & yet I'm equally possessive of both.

I wonder how often I'm willing to be this possessive over unseen things? How often am I willing to let promises & blessings given to me be taken? How often as I daughter of the King, am I passive & fail to use my authority (which is really His authority...)

AND SO...as the past few weeks have turned out be a ridiculously crazy season I'm reclaiming the following:
The Lord is Catherine's shepherd; Catherine has all that Catherine needs. He lets Catherine rest in green meadows; he leads Catherine beside peaceful streams. He renews Catherine's strength. He guides Catherine along right paths, bringing honour to his name. Even when Catherine walks through the darkest valley, Catherine will not be afraid, for you are close beside Catherine. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort Catherine. You prepare a feast for Catherine in the presence of Catherine's enemies. You honour Catherine by anointing Catherine's head with oil. Catherine's cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue Catherine all the days of Catherine's life, and Catherine will live in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23)


Mother's Day Prayer

Generally at DGC, following worship, offering & announcements the children are dismissed to head off to DGKids. Usually their dismissal is proceeded by a prayer of blessing over them, asking God to touch their lives. Yesterday, being Mother's Day, we did our dismissal a wee bit different. Rather then asking parents/grandparents etc. to lay hands on their children, I asked the children to lay hands on their moms/grandmas/aunts etc. and led them in the following "repeat after me" prayer:

Thank You Father,
For putting me
In the same family,
As this amazing woman.
I thank You
That she loves You
With all her heart,
And that she shows me
That love everyday.
Thank You
That she has determined
To help me
Learn more about You,
And for being an example
Of how to follow You.
May she be blessed
This morning,
As she continues
To worship
And learn more
About You.
We both love You so much!
In Jesus' Name we pray,

It was something fun, a little bit different, but most importantly something to bring honour & blessing to the most fabulous women in our lives!


Jesus Feeds 5000

Yesterday morning at DGC something pretty darn awesome happened. While transitioning the service my senior pastor, Wayne Boersma, shared about Jesus feeding the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-23 & John 6:1-15).

Following transition, offering, announcements, the kids were dismissed & what do you think we talked about in Kingdom Park with our gr.1-6 kids? You guessed it, Jesus feeding the 5000!

Although I've experienced similar situations in my life before, where it seems as though God has totally orchestrated something no matter how simple, it was pretty wonderful to be able to see kids faces light up when they realized that what we were going to spend the morning talking about, was exactly what Pastor Wayne had already introduced.

Our focus in Kingdom Park was on Jesus having compassion. Prior to this incredible miracle of increase, Jesus found out that his cousin, John the Baptist, had been beheaded. Jesus had withdrawn, no doubt to mourn the loss of His cousin, the one who had prepared the way for Him. However, being Jesus & all, the crowds just followed Him, basically to the middle of nowhere.

In the midst of Jesus grieving it says "he had compassion on them" (Matthew 13:14). For real!?! Let me tell you the last thing on my mind in the midst of my hurt, pain & loss is compassion. Yet here's Jesus, caring for people & healing the sick!

And the thing that really stuck out to me, and continues to ring true in the back of my mind is this:
He has compassion on ME. Wow. Here I am in this season of confusion, loss & change, & He has compassion on me.

The best part of it all though, is that He has compassion on you too!


Easter doesn't end on Monday.

I love Easter! Basically I'm a huge sucker for candy & sweets, so any excuse to put myself into a sugar comma is my favourite. I'm a huge fan of family, any excuse to get together & celebrate is a good excuse to me. I also love all that Easter represents; unconditional love, forgiveness, hope...

Easter weekend tends to be one of my favourite weekends in church as well. My whole faith system is built around this one weekend. That God would send His perfect, one & only Son to pay the ultimate sacrifice for all sins, and then to defeat death by raising from the dead...the very thought is completely overwhelming as I consider the incredible love shown.

I'm positive that the best thing about Easter is that it doesn't end on Easter Monday. Easter continues day after day after day, as I'm reminded of my Saviour's love in the beauty I witness in creation, as I receive His grace & forgiveness for the thousandth time through those who are a part of my everyday life & as I remember that I get to be apart of the Big God Story, beginning with Creation, including Easter, my life & all that follows.

Although the sugar comma continues for a few days following the fabulous visit of the Easter Bunny, Easter itself continues & will never ever end.


25 things...

Just last week I celebrated my 25th birthday. Being inspired by my lovely friend Joh, who just turned 30 & decided to blog about it, I've created a new "25 things". A couple years ago "25 things" were popping up all over Facebook...this is new updated list now being 25, with various little (& some not so little) things that I've learned & random things about myself.

1. Nothing quite compares to being married to my best friend. Being married to Matt is the craziest, greatest, most exciting adventure I've ever been on. The only thing that seems to be predictable in our lives is the unpredictability & I love it! There's no one else I'd rather face each day with.

2. Although quitting would often be easier on all fronts, it's amazing the character that is built in continuing & pressing on. Hopefully the character that is being built into my life speaks of the God who's strength carries me through.

3. I am a mother. I've come to the realization that being a mom is more then pregnancy & giving birth. I love the children in my life & count it an absolute blessing & honour to mother those in my world.

4. People are of utmost importance. The day that I'm too busy for people is the day that I've completely abandoned that which I've been created for.

5. Family is irreplaceable. Four years ago my siblings & I determined that our relationships would always be a priority. I'm thankful that my parents instilled the value of family in the three of us. I'm also thankful for absolutely amazing in-laws who love & accept me as one of their family.

6. My parents have always told me to find my passion & chase it. This is quite possibly some of the greatest advice I've ever been given.

7. Words are important. Choose what you say wisely. Choose how you say something even more wisely. Ultimately choose to speak life.

8. A good cup of coffee & book is good for the soul. Take time to do that which refreshes and rejuvenates you.

9. Sometimes you just need to fake it until you make it.

10. Always be in a place of willingness to learn. My grandpa used to say that it wasn't a good day unless you learned something new...may everyday be a "good day"

11. Remember the legacy that has been built into you, and keep building upon it for the future generations. My great grandma Belsher was a great woman of faith, & there is no doubt in my mind that that legacy she built has been instilled into me. This legacy is something I hope to continue building upon, knowing that my ceiling will be my children's floor.

12. Never forget that there is no one else quite like you. No one with the same gifts, talents & passions. You are valued, cherished & loved just because of who you are.

13. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you'll ever receive. Forgiving others is a greater gift to yourself then your offender.

14. Sometimes I feel as though by denying how I'm feeling I'm dealing with the issue, this is not true at all. Every emotion you feel is worth validation. Sweeping thoughts & feelings under the rug does no good to anyone. Recognize how you're feeling, but don't ever settle with staying there, be willing to move on.

15. Always give people the time of day. You never know who's path you'll have the opportunity to cross. Treat those you encounter with same dignity & respect that you expect.

16. Dream! When dreams become realities, don't forget to dream again.

17. Don't brush off gut feelings. Holy Spirit nudges in the simplest ways at times.

18. Diamonds are a girls best friend & pearls are for girls - words for all princesses. (PS: Although REAL ones are fabulous, the average person can't tell the difference between real jewels & ones bought at Le Chateau)

19. Waterproof mascara is without a doubt one of the greatest beauty product available.

20. Some of my closest friends are the same age as my parents. Get some solid, stable "older" people around you. Learn from their past. Ask them for wisdom. Allow them to speak into your life.

21. Community is essential to human survival. Some communities established will only be seasonal, some will be come & go communities that when reunited it seems as if you never left, & still others will be lifelong & very constant.

22. Tears are not always a bad thing. I definitely lean towards being someone who's overly emotional, & a result tears are often involved. Tears of pain, sorrow, hurt, joy, laughter & often just because I've completely overwhelmed. The amazing things about my tears is that there's a cleansing that comes with them.

23. Realize that there are more seasons then Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter. Every stage of life is seasonal & although sometimes things seems to drag on forever remember that "He changes times & season; he deposes kings & raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise & knowledge to the discerning." (Daniel 2:21)

24. Unconditional love is grey. It's easy in my own mind to see things as black & white, I know what's right & wrong. The thing is, for love to be unconditional is has to be grey, willing to see past the behaviour & to love regardless.

25. There is always one constant. In a world that is constantly changing there is one who is the same yesterday, today & forever. It's in Him alone that strength, hope, peace, joy & true love can be found. He is always faithful & true.


Wall of Fame

I have a cork/bulletin board in my office that hangs on the wall next to my desk. It's littered with notes, pictures, homemade jewelry, drawings & crafts...all little reminds of the incredible little ones in my life. This board is so full that artwork has spilled over to walls, held in place with sticky tack & push pins.

Although I feel so honoured & loved by these gifts which decorate my walls, sometimes I can't help but wonder who feels more loved. The kids who cry when they have to leave church on Sunday, who invite me to their birthday parties, who beg for an invitation to come to my house, to have my babysit, or to have a sleepover in my trailer while camping, who grow up a bit & begin to invite me to band concerts, sporting events & ask for permission to use my name on resumes...who feels more loved?

For as much as I'm assuming the precious children in my life must feel loved to want to give me gifts & invite me to be apart of their everyday lives, I'm the one who feels more loved then I can express. It's overwhelming for me to look around my office, to read text messages & comments on Facebook. For as much as my Wall of Fame may show how loved those in my world feel, it proves to me how loved I am. Truly, I'm the one who's really blessed.


3 years

3 places of residences
13 vehicles
1 Sea-Doo
1 Trailer
4 job promotions
Many laughs, a few tears, plenty of memories
For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness & health
3 little words that never get old..."I love you"


To the amazing women in my life:

To the women who support, encourage & empower me to be who I've been created to be, thank you! May you feel & know that there is a support system of people who believe in you & your potential, in your corner of the ring as well.

To the women who challenge my thinking, behaviour & character, thank you for not allowing me to become comfortable with where I am, but for challenging me to continue to grow & enlarge my territory. Know that the best is yet to come, and although you're perfect the way you are, there is more for you to accomplish.

To the women who allow me to cry my heart out, share my moments of joy & all the emotions in between, thank you for being a safe place. Know that whenever you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on I am here for you.

To the women who go out of their way to generously give & lavish love upon me, thank you. May you feel that as you are a blessing to those around you that you are in turn being blessed more then you could ever imagine.

To the women who mother & care for me, thank you. Know that you are building something much larger then what you input into my life. The legacy you are building will continue to grow for generations to come.

To the women who come alongside & just do everyday life, thank you for being apart of the journey. I sincerely look forward the the many season ahead that we will get to share together.

To all the amazing women I have the distinct honour and privilege of knowing, Happy International Women's Day! Know that you are loved, cherished, valued & adored.
Love you to the moon & back.


What's of Value?

In conversations recently it's been amazing to me to realize what people put value on (myself included when I really take a good look at examining myself). It boggles my mind how at times things that are lies can receive more value, rather then truth.

A gentleman I know made a statement back in January that has stuck in the back of my mind, he talked about being Christ-conscious, rather then sin-conscious. The truth is, often times we focus more on our sins, or the wrongs in our lives, rather then on God & His incredible grace. In essence, we end up giving more value to our sin, rather to Jesus.

What we choose to focus our thoughts on is what we give value to. When we choose to believe & focus our attention on lies such as, "you're total worthless," "nobody wants you, loves you, or cares about you," & "you're not important," we're giving value to those statements. The truth is, in fact, the opposite of all of those statements, yet we devalue the truth by focusing on the lie.

In turn, we're becoming an society full of people with extremely low self esteem. Perhaps it's time to place value on that which is of true value, the truth.


When the going gets tough...

...the tough get going. This is phrase that I'm sure most people have heard, and almost as many have said at one point or another. But where do the "tough" go?

Is it possible that maybe we have the quote all wrong? Maybe it should be said, "when the going gets tough, the tough tough it out." Because really, does it not take more strength to stay and press through whatever situation you're faced with, rather then to turn and walk (or in some cases run) away?

So, the challenge comes, will I be part of a complacent generation & society, who rather then facing trails & tribulations in the face decide to leave? Or, will I take a stand, stay where I am and do something to bring about change?

Maybe it's time to redefine "tough"



It's amazing how at the end of the past few years I seem to have an anticipation for the upcoming year, believing that it will be better then the past year. This attitude seems to be common as I face new challenges, struggles, situations and circumstances, hoping that maybe next year will be easier.

Recently I came across the following:
Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)
Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

And so, as I face a yet another year, I have great faith in His faithfulness. I know without a doubt that this year will be full of new challenges and struggles, but I also know that it will be full of new blessings, grace, strength, peace & love.



Recently my thoughts have been on the commandments, both the 10 Commandments & what Jesus says are the two most important Commandments.

About a month ago I was part of a conversation with a woman who commented on how her "children know the 10 Commandments; they know what's right and wrong." Although, at the time I was quite impressed (I know the 10 Commandments, I'm not sure I could quote them verbatim and, I'm also 24, not 8!), I can't help but think perhaps something is missing.

While it's good for us to be aware of what is right and wrong, there must be a reason as to why Jesus seems to care about loving God & loving others more then we care about rules & laws.

The problem I think is that really loving people can get messy. At times its as though you're put in positions of having to choose sides. Or, perhaps when you choose "loving" over "judging" you become the one being judged for "condoning" or "enabling".

The truth is, it's much easier to stick to the 10 Commandments. They're straight forward. The law is black & white, as opposed to unconditional love, which I believe is gray, as it cares not about whether what you're doing is classified as "black" or "white".

If Jesus could love in spite of the rules being broken, somehow I must be able to as well. Unfortunately, more value is often placed on the rules then on people, which is where Jesus shows us an opposite way of doing life. People are important, and who they are is not tied up in what they do.

Although I believe living right is important, I'm fairly confident that loving God & loving people has even greater importance. As a result 2 greatest commandments that have been written in red, will be the 2 commandments that I focus on keeping.