
Welcome to my home.

I love having company. I really enjoy having people over to my place and being able to entertain and serve.
I love having out of town guests even more.
(I think I get this from my mum).

I'm really loving having Essie here, although she doesn't really feel like company, more like family.
It's amazing how the wonder and awe that she has for things here in Lethbridge is giving me a renewed sense of pride in my city.
I'm also being reminded of how cold I found it when I returned from Sydney. We may have mild winters here in Southern Alberta, but it is still freezing comparatively!
Today Essie got the grandiose tour of The Miracle Channel. Yet again I was reminded of how huge and elaborate the station is. I often take it all for granted when I'm being taped.

Oh, it's all so incredible and fresh again. See, Essie is always the best thing to happen to me!
I love her! I love having her here!

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